Friday, March 20, 2009

Begin Transmission

Who am I?

I am Karleigh Marchand, I am here to help you, listen and give that helpful advice you need. I am an ex-mentor for, I am an ex-self-mutilator and, I'm just like you. Or I was. I've suffered loss, love, confussion, heartache, and been living a life in this unkind world too, now lets get through it all together. I'm here to listen, so start talking!

What is my mission?
Do help sexually confussed find their path.
To help self mutilators push on.
To end teen suicide.
To guide grievers through depression.
To help re-shape our generation and those to come through understanding and compassion.

How do you talk to me?

Or if you want help ASAP IM me at on yahoo Instant Messanger, I'm on 85% of the time, if not on the computer on my phone.

And remember no question is too crazy.

What kind of questions would you ask?
Situation questions
Sexual questions (even questions like what is a certain sexual position, or curiosity about a sexual tool)
Life questions
College questions
Career questions

For example,
My girlfriend is my world but I'm not sure I still like her, what do I do? I don't want to loose her.
What is a missionary position?
I think I may be gay...
I can't help but cut sometimes...what do I do?
What are the best colleges for musical theatre?
How do I find scholarships?
I want to be a teacher, but I don't know....

Like I said...I'm here, so start talking.


  1. LOL HI ok so I think I might be gay....??!! lol yeah I'm a Dyke it's just Johni hehe yeah I need Help. lol no he didn't ask a question did he hes so... lol yeah idk... shes talking about helping ppl uncle John

  2. Well, Anonymous Johni,
    Welcome to the site, thank you for that colorful comment, I'm glad I'm related to you, sometimes :)
